Workout Wednesday: As if leg day didn’t already hurt enough.

Alright, there’s a few things we need to catch up on cause once again I’ve been the world’s most inconsistent blogger. All of the back to school / BodyPump job searching / college prep stuff has been taking up all of my spare time! Excuses, excuses, yeah I know 😉 Since we’ve last spoken, a few things have happened. One, I had this fantastic meal from BJ’s.

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Clean Eating in the ‘Burgh

Despite being on vacation, my healthy ways haven’t gone down the drain entirely. In fact, I’ve kept up with my exercise and clean eating for the most part. It has definitely required some extra effort and creativity since I don’t have access to a gym or my own pantry. But, living a healthy lifestyle in Pittsburgh hasn’t been as difficult as I first expected!    Continue reading